Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Ch. 5 Greek

WHO: Iktinos WHAT: Parthenon/ Acropolis WHEN: 447-438 BCE WHERE: Athens, Greece 
WHY: Athena HOW: sandstone Doric style FIBONACCI RATIOS

WHO: Athanadoros, Hagesandros, & Polydoros of Rhodes WHAT: Head of Odysseus WHEN: early 1st century CE WHERE: villa of Tiberius, Sperlonga, Italy WHY: illustrate Homer's Odyssey HOW: marble
WHO: Polykleitos WHAT: Dorypharos (spear bearer) WHEN: 450-440 BCE WHERE: Pompeii, Italy WHY: portrayal of perfect man HOW: marble PATHAGOREAN INTERVALS: 1:1 2:1 3:1
WHAT: Peplos Kore WHEN: 530BCE WHERE: Athens, Greece WHY: votive of goddess HOW: painted marble
WHO: Kleitias & Ergotimos WHAT: François Vase WHEN: 570 BCE WHERE: Chiusi, Italy.                WHY: Greek mythology  HOW: black figure Krater, ceramic 

WHAT: Geometric krater WHEN: 740 BCE WHERE: Athens, Greece WHY: grave marker
HOW: Ceramic

WHO: Polykleitos WHAT: Kritios Boy WHEN: 480 BCE WHERE: Acropolis, Athens, Greece WHY: 1st natural posture 
HOW: marble CONTRAPPOSTO: relaxed natural stance 

WHAT: Erechtheion WHEN: 421-405 BCE WHERE: Acropolis, Athens, Greece WHY: multiple shrine HOW: limestone 

WHAT: Youth diving WHEN: 480-470 BCE WHERE: Paestum, Italy WHY: cover slab of divers tomb
How: Fresco

WHO: Epigonos(?) WHAT: Dying Gaul WHEN: 230-220 BCE WHERE: Altar of Zeus WHY: depicts defeat of Gauls HOW: roman marble copy 

WHO: Exekias WHAT: Achillies killing Pentheselia WHEN: 540-530 BCE WHERE: Etruscan tomb, Vulci, Italy WHY: black figure painting, orient influence (Iran) HOW: painted ceramics
5-5: WHAT: Corinthian black-figure amphora with animal friezes WHEN: 625-600 BCE 
WHERE: Rhodes, Greece WHY: "brand names" HOW: black-figure amphora 
5-7: WHAT: Kouros (boy)WHEN: 600BCE WHERE: Anavysos, Greece WHY: votive offering HOW: marble
5-20: WHO: Exekias WHAT: Achilles & Ajax playing dice game WHEN: 540-530BCE 
WHERE: Vulci, Italy WHY: narrative of Achilles HOW: black-figure amphora 
5-27: WHO: Guillaume- Abel Blouet WHAT: Temple of Aphia WHEN: 500- 490BCE 
WHERE: AEgina, Greece WHY: depicting colors of Greek temples (Athena center not Zeus) HOW: restored view

5-32: WHAT: Charriot race of Pelops & Oinomaos WHEN: 470-456BCE WHERE: TEMPLE OF ZEUS Olympia, Greece WHY: play of Charriot race legend,  HOW: marble
5-46: WHO: Phidias WHAT: Athena Parthenons WHEN: 438BCE WHERE: Athens, Greece 
WHY: Athena, Nike or victory HOW: gold & ivory
5-49: WHAT: 3 goddesses WHEN: 438-432 BCE WHERE: Athens, Greece  WHY: Hestia, Dione, & Aphrodite HOW: marble, with lots of folds to show body 
5-54: WHAT: Caryatids of the south porch of the Erechtheion WHEN: 421-405BCE WHERE: Athens, Greece WHY: structural colon that suggests a living body, women as columns on porch HOW: plaster cast
5-75: WHO: Paionios of Ephesos & Daphnis WHAT: Temple of Apollo WHEN: 300 BCE WHERE: Didyma, Turkey WHY: Apollo HOW: hypaethral; no roof, theatrical 
orientalist be Art in Iran ARCHAIC; big smiles, 
5-4 WHO: Mantiklos Apollo WHAT: statuette of a youth dedicated by Mantiklos to Apollo WHEN: 700-680 BCE WHERE: Thebes, Greece WHY: votive to Apollo HOW: bronze

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